So let the sun come up again 
Rise above these concrete trees
That make up this jungle
Just like my dreams
That go back to the jungle
Up in the mountains
Where the sun breaks the fog
That the rains brought

And who ever thought
That my body fought
The elements that compose my flesh and blood
So now i will let the sun caress my back
My hair fall to my shoulders
Let the sweat fall like a tear
Running down the side of my face
Down my neck, onto my chest
And over my breasts
Where it travels with the rain
That falls from what lies above me
Be it trees or concrete
I will hold my head high
My face to the sky
And let nothing but the sun dry away
The sweat, the rain, the tears, and pain
That are hidden.
You didn't know that I was crying
When the rain traveled with my tears
Washing me bare
And the afternoon sun took it away
And let me know that I wasn't alone
And that my dreams could still fly beyond
The trees of concrete and those connected to my blood
My dreams... fueled by the fire that is my soul.

Sunday, January 17, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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